AI content templates -ScribeSpace

Automagically craft unique content in one click

Over 50+ content generation templates.

Articles & Blogging

Article Ideas

Generate ideas for your next article.

Article Introduction

Write the perfect introduction for your blog or article.

Sentence Expander

Expand a sentence into a paragraph by adding relevant content.

Grammar Improver

Improve the grammar of existing content with perfect english.

Tagline Generator

Create the perfect tagline for your product or business.

Article Creator

Generate short articles on any topic!

Sales & Product

Product Features

Generate a list of features for any product.

Sales DM

Create a compelling sales pitch message.

Cold Sales Email

Generate sales introduction emails.

Product Descriptions

Generate the perfect description for your product.

Welcome Email

Write the perfect welcome email for a product or service.

Product Names

Generate creative product names.

Promotional Email

Promotional emails for an upcoming sale.

Jobs & Recruitment

Email Subject Line

Generate an enticing email subject line.

Bulleted List

Evaluate text into bullet points.

Cover Letter

Create the perfect cover letter for your next job.


SEO Meta Description

Generate meta descriptions for any webpage.

Ads Description

Generate perfect ad descriptions.

Keyword Extractor

Extract keywords from an article or text.

Ad Headline

Create an ad copy that converts.

Social Media

Instagram Photo Caption

Create the perfect photo caption for Instagram.

Facebook Photo Caption

Generate the perfect Facebook photo caption.

LinkedIn Bio

Create a detailed LinkedIn biography.


Value Proposition

Create detailed value propositions.

Domain Names

Generate creative domain names.

Pros & Cons

Generate a list of pros and cons.

Company Vision

Create a company vision statement.

Review Responder

Generate responses to feedback.

Real Estate Listing

Create a detailed home sales listing description.


QnA Answers

Get answers for any question.

YouTube Video Title

Create a creative title for your video.

Recipe Creator

Create recipes from a list of ingredients easily.

Greeting Cards

Create the perfect greeting card for any occasion.

Ready to create content with AI?