How to create catchy subject lines for your emails


The importance of your email subject line

Creating a catchy subject line for an email is one of the most important factors in determining whether your email will be opened or not. It’s the first thing that your recipient sees, and it can either pique their interest or turn them off. A good subject line can help increase your open rate by making your email stand out in a crowded inbox and enticing the recipient to click and read more.

There are a few key reasons why you should implement a catchy subject line:

  1. It sets the tone for your email: The subject line gives your recipient an idea of what to expect when they open your email. If your subject line is clear and informative, it can help build trust and encourage the recipient to read more.
  2. It helps your email stand out: With so many emails being sent every day, it’s important to make yours stand out. A well-written subject line can help your email stand out from the competition and grab the attention of your recipient.
  3. It can improve deliverability: If your subject line is spammy or contains words that trigger spam filters, your email is more likely to land in the recipient’s spam folder. A clear, concise subject line can help ensure that your email is delivered to the recipient’s inbox.
  4. It helps prioritise your email: Your recipient’s inbox is likely flooded with emails from various sources. A clear and compelling subject line can help your email stand out and encourage the recipient to prioritise it over other emails.
  5. It can impact your sender reputation: A high open rate is one factor that can impact your sender reputation, which is a measure of the quality of your emails. A good subject line can help increase your open rate and improve your sender reputation.
  6. It sets the stage for your email’s content: A well-written subject line can help set the stage for the rest of your email. It can give your recipient an idea of what to expect and prepare them for the content of your email.
  7. It can help with email marketing: If you’re using email as a marketing tool, a strong subject line is essential. It can help you build a list of engaged subscribers and improve the chances that your marketing emails will be opened and read.


Check out this video on how to optimise your email subject lines for your target audience:

Tips to make your create a catch subject line

  1. Keep it short and sweet: Aim for a subject line that is around 50 characters or less. This will ensure that your subject line doesn’t get cut off on mobile devices, and it will also make it easier for your recipient to quickly scan and understand.
  2. Be clear and concise: Use straightforward language and avoid using jargon or obscure terms. Your subject line should clearly convey the purpose of your email, so that your recipient knows what to expect when they open it.
  3. Use action words: Words like “act now,” “limited time,” and “exclusive offer” can help grab the attention of your recipient and encourage them to open your email.
  4. Personalise your subject line: If you have the recipient’s name, consider using it in your subject line. This can help increase the chances that your email will be opened, as people are more likely to open emails that are addressed to them personally.
  5. Test different subject lines: Try experimenting with different subject lines to see which ones work best. You can use A/B testing to determine which subject lines are most effective at getting your emails opened.
  6. Avoid spammy language: Words like “free,” “earn money,” and “guaranteed” can trigger spam filters and cause your email to land in the recipient’s spam folder. Avoid using these types of words in your subject line to ensure that your emails are delivered to the recipient’s inbox. Try Scribespace’s AI powered writing assistant:
  7. Keep it relevant: Make sure that your subject line is relevant to the content of your email. This will help your recipient understand what to expect when they open your email and increase the chances that they will read it.
  8. Use numbers: Studies have shown that subject lines with numbers tend to perform better than those without. Consider using numbers to highlight specific points or statistics in your subject line.
  9. Use power words: Certain words can be more effective at grabbing the attention of your recipient. Examples of power words include “proven,” “you,” “new,” and “save.”
  10. Avoid using all caps: Using all caps in your subject line can come across as shouting and may turn off your recipient. Instead, use title case, which capitalises the first letter of each word.

Crafting an effective email subject line is crucial for catching the attention of recipients and ensuring the success of an email campaign. The subject line is often the first thing that a recipient sees, making it an essential component of email marketing. The benefits of having a strong subject line include increased email open rates, improved engagement, and the ability to effectively communicate the purpose of the email. By taking the time to carefully consider and craft engaging subject lines, businesses can effectively reach their target audience and achieve their marketing goals.


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