The 7Ps of marketing framework and its application


What are the 7ps of marketing?

The 7Ps of marketing, also known as the marketing mix, are a set of seven elements that organisations consider when developing and implementing their marketing strategies. The 7Ps are product, price, place, promotion, people, process, and physical evidence.

  1. Product: The product or service that a company offers to its customers.
  2. Price: The cost of the product or service to the customer.
  3. Place: The location where the product or service is sold, including physical stores, online marketplaces, and distribution channels.
  4. Promotion: The marketing efforts used to communicate the value of the product or service to the target audience, including advertising, sales promotions, and public relations.
  5. People: The individuals who are responsible for the development, promotion, and delivery of the product or service.
  6. Process: The steps involved in the production, distribution, and delivery of the product or service.
  7. Physical Evidence: The tangible elements of the product or service, such as packaging, branding, and design, as well as the overall appearance and atmosphere of the company’s physical locations.

The 7Ps are important because they provide a comprehensive overview of the key elements that need to be considered when developing a marketing strategy. By considering each P individually and how they work together, a company can ensure that it is effectively reaching its target audience and delivering the right product or service at the right price in the right place.

In addition, the 7Ps of marketing can help a company identify any weaknesses in its marketing plan and address them before they become major issues. By regularly reviewing and updating its marketing mix, a company can stay competitive in the marketplace and achieve its marketing and business goals.


Watch this video for key takeaways when conducting the 7ps of marketing:

Here are some examples of how the 7Ps of marketing can be applied in practice:

  1. Product: A company that sells organic, locally-grown produce at farmers markets is focusing on the product aspect of the marketing mix. The product in this case is the fresh, organic produce that the company is offering to customers.
  2. Price: A company that offers subscription-based access to its online content is focusing on the price aspect of the marketing mix. The company will need to consider how much to charge for access to its content, and whether to offer different pricing options, such as monthly or annual subscriptions.
  3. Place: A company that sells its products exclusively through its own e-commerce website is focusing on the place aspect of the marketing mix. The company will need to consider how to make its website user-friendly and easy to navigate, as well as how to effectively promote its products online to reach its target audience.
  4. Promotion: A company that sells luxury handbags is focusing on the promotion aspect of the marketing mix. The company might use advertising, public relations, and influencer marketing to create buzz and build brand awareness among its target audience.
  5. People: A company that offers personal training and fitness coaching is focusing on the people aspect of the marketing mix. The company will need to consider the qualifications and expertise of its trainers and coaches, as well as how to attract and retain top talent.
  6. Process: A company that sells custom-made furniture is focusing on the process aspect of the marketing mix. The company will need to consider how to efficiently take orders, manufacture the furniture, and deliver it to customers.
  7. Physical Evidence: A company that operates a chain of high-end luxury hotels is focusing on the physical evidence aspect of the marketing mix. The company will need to consider the design and appearance of its hotels, as well as the amenities and services offered, in order to create a luxurious and memorable experience for its guests.

The 7 Ps of marketing, also known as the marketing mix, is a comprehensive framework for developing effective marketing strategies. The 7 Ps are product, price, place, promotion, people, process, and physical evidence, and each element plays a crucial role in the success of a marketing campaign. By carefully considering each of the 7 Ps, businesses can ensure that their marketing efforts are aligned with their target audience’s needs and preferences, and that their strategies are well-rounded and effective.

The 7 Ps of marketing offer a flexible and adaptable approach that can be customised to fit the unique needs and goals of any organisation. Whether you’re a small business just starting out or a large multinational corporation, the 7 Ps of marketing can help you to develop and execute marketing strategies that achieve your desired outcomes and drive business success.

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