Copywriting in marketing: The good and the bad

Inscription copywriting

What exactly is Copywriting?

Copywriting is a form of writing that is designed to persuade and influence an audience. It is used in advertising and marketing to promote products, services, and ideas through various forms of media, such as websites, advertisements, brochures, and social media. The goal of copywriting is to grab the attention of the target audience and to convince them to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or visiting a website.

The writing is typically focused on highlighting the benefits and features of a product or service and making them appealing to the target audience. A successful copywriter must have a deep understanding of consumer psychology and audience preferences, as well as the ability to write clear and concise text that is easy to read and understand


Copywriting is a critical component of modern marketing and advertising, and has been used for decades to promote products, services, and ideas to a target audience. While many businesses and marketers see copywriting as a necessary tool to drive sales, increase brand awareness, and attract new customers, there are also those who argue that its use can be harmful and manipulative. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at both the arguments for and against the use of copywriting in marketing activities.

What are the benefits of copywriting in marketing?

  1. Increases sales: One of the main advantages of copywriting is that it can significantly increase sales by persuading and influencing customers to make a purchase. Copywriting is used to highlight the benefits and features of a product or service and make them appealing to the target audience. By doing so, it can drive sales and generate revenue for a business.
  2. Builds brand awareness: Copywriting is also an effective tool for building brand awareness. By creating consistent, compelling, and memorable messages, copywriting can help establish a brand identity and increase recognition and recall among consumers.
  3. Attracts new customers: By effectively communicating the benefits and value of a product or service, copywriting can help attract new customers and expand a business’s reach. It can be used to reach a wider audience and attract new customers who may not have been aware of the product or service otherwise.
  4. Improves customer engagement: Good copywriting can also improve customer engagement by providing valuable information and creating a connection with the target audience. By writing in a relatable and engaging manner, copywriting can help build trust and loyalty among customers.

What are the negatives of copywriting in marketing?

  1. Manipulative: Some argue that copywriting is manipulative and can be used to deceive customers into making a purchase. While it is true that copywriting can be used to highlight the benefits and features of a product or service, it can also be used to make false claims and exaggerate the value of a product.
  2. Damages brand reputation: If a business uses misleading or false information in their copywriting, it can damage their brand reputation and harm the trust of their customers. This can lead to negative reviews, decreased sales, and a tarnished reputation.
  3. May not resonate with customers: Not all copywriting will resonate with all customers, and some may find it unappealing or inauthentic. This can result in a negative response from the target audience and have the opposite effect of what was intended.
  4. Limits creativity: Some argue that copywriting can limit creativity and stifle the development of original ideas and messages. By relying too heavily on formulaic approaches and marketing tactics, businesses risk losing the unique voice and perspective that makes them stand out from their competitors.

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Here are some tools to perfect your copywriting skills

  1. Grammarly: A writing assistant that checks grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors in your text, and offers suggestions for improvement. Link:
  2. Hemingway: A tool that helps you write clear and concise prose by highlighting complex sentences, overused words, and other areas for improvement.
  3. CoSchedule Headline Analyzer: A tool that analyses the headlines you write and provides a score based on factors such as word choice, length, and sentiment.
  4. Scribespace: An AI-powered copywriting tool that can generate high-quality copy for you in seconds, based on your input. Link:
  5. Yoast SEO: A plugin for WordPress that helps you optimize your website content for search engines, by analysing factors such as keyword use, meta descriptions, and readability.
  6. Google Keyword Planner: A tool that helps you find keywords related to your topic, and provides data on their search volume and competition, so you can target the right audience with your copy.
  7. Trello: A project management tool that can help you organise your copywriting projects and collaborate with other team members.
  8. Readable: A tool that analyses the readability of your text and provides suggestions for improvement, so you can write copy that’s easy to understand for your target audience.

While there are arguments both for and against the use of copywriting in marketing activities, it remains a crucial tool for many businesses and marketers. However, it is important to use copywriting responsibly and ethically, and to be transparent with customers about the benefits and features of a product or service. By doing so, you can ensure that your marketing efforts are effective and well-received by your target audience.


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