Perfecting your resignation letter in 2023 with 3 examples

Resignation letter and cardboard box on the desk. Concept of termination of employment

Perfecting your resignation letter

Welcome to the year 2023, where perfecting your resignation letter is more important than ever. Whether you’re leaving your job to pursue a new opportunity or simply looking for a change, resigning can be a difficult and emotional process. However, crafting a well-written resignation letter can help you leave on a positive note and maintain professional relationships with your former employer and colleagues.

In this article, we will guide you through the key components of a well-crafted resignation letter in 2023. We will discuss the importance of giving appropriate notice, the need to express gratitude and appreciation, and the value of providing constructive feedback. We’ll also cover the importance of maintaining a professional tone and ensuring that your letter is concise, clear, and free of any unnecessary details.

Whether you’re leaving your job due to personal reasons or for career advancement, your resignation letter is a critical piece of your departure process. It serves as a record of your decision to leave, and can be an important tool for preserving professional relationships and maintaining your reputation within your industry. With our guidance, you’ll be able to write a resignation letter that not only reflects your professionalism and gratitude but also helps you move forward with confidence and a sense of accomplishment.

Key components of a resignation letter

A resignation letter is a formal document that serves as a record of your decision to leave your job. While there is no one-size-fits-all template for a resignation letter, there are some key components that should be included in every resignation letter to ensure that it is professional, clear, and respectful.

  1. Proper notice: The first key component of a resignation letter is providing proper notice. This means letting your employer know in advance of your intended departure date, as well as providing a reason for your resignation. Most employers require a notice period of at least two weeks, but this can vary depending on your company’s policies and the nature of your job.
  2. Gratitude and appreciation: Another important component of a resignation letter is expressing gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity to work with your employer and the experience gained during your tenure. This can be done by highlighting the skills and knowledge gained, as well as expressing your appreciation for the support and mentorship received.
  3. Clear and concise language: A resignation letter should be written in clear and concise language, avoiding any unnecessary details or information. This means focusing on the reason for your resignation and the intended date of departure, rather than delving into personal reasons or grievances.
  4. Constructive feedback: If appropriate, providing constructive feedback can also be an important component of a resignation letter. This means highlighting any areas where the company could improve or offering suggestions for how processes could be streamlined.
  5. Professional tone: Finally, it’s important to maintain a professional tone throughout your resignation letter. This means avoiding emotional language or any negative comments about your employer, and instead focusing on the positive aspects of your experience with the company.

By including these key components in your resignation letter, you can ensure that your departure is professional and respectful, and that you maintain positive relationships with your former employer and colleagues.


Here are some examples of effective resignation letters

Example #1 – Formal and Appreciative

“Dear [Employer Name],

Please accept this letter as formal notice of my resignation from my position as [Your Position] at [Company Name]. My last day of work will be [Date of Last Day of Work], in accordance with the two-week notice period required by my contract.

I am extremely grateful for the opportunities and experiences that I have gained during my time at [Company Name]. I have learned a great deal from my colleagues and have developed valuable skills that I will carry with me throughout my career. I will always cherish the relationships that I have formed with the team at [Company Name].

I would like to take this opportunity to offer constructive feedback on [specific area for improvement]. I believe that by implementing [suggested solution], the company could benefit in [specific ways]. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance during the transition process.

Thank you again for the support and mentorship that you and the team at [Company Name] have provided me. I wish the company continued success and growth in the future.


[Your Name]”

Example #2 – Short and Sweet

“Dear [Employer Name],

I am writing to inform you of my resignation from my position as [Your Position] at [Company Name]. My last day of work will be [Date of Last Day of Work]. I appreciate the opportunity to work at [Company Name], and I will do my best to ensure a smooth transition during my remaining time here.

Thank you for the support and encouragement that you and the team at [Company Name] have provided me. I wish the company all the best in the future.


[Your Name]”

Example #3 – Personal and Grateful

“Dear [Employer Name],

It is with a heavy heart that I write to inform you of my resignation from my position as [Your Position] at [Company Name]. My last day of work will be [Date of Last Day of Work]. While I am excited to pursue new opportunities, I will miss the incredible team at [Company Name].

During my time at [Company Name], I have had the privilege of working with some of the most talented and dedicated people in the industry. I am grateful for the mentorship and support that I have received from my colleagues, and I am proud of the work that we have accomplished together.

Please let me know how I can assist in the transition process, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you need anything in the future.

Thank you again for the amazing experience at [Company Name]. I wish the company continued success and growth.


[Your Name]”

Check out these tools to help you optimise your resignation letter if you’re still struggling

  1. Microsoft Word – Microsoft Word is a powerful word processing software that can help you create a professional-looking resignation letter. It offers various templates and formatting options, making it easy to customise your letter to suit your needs. Check out MS Word here:
  2. Grammarly – Grammarly is an online grammar and spell-checking tool that can help you catch any errors in your resignation letter. It can also offer suggestions for improving your writing, such as word choice and sentence structure. Check out Grammarly here:
  3. Hemingway Editor – The Hemingway Editor is an online tool that helps you simplify your writing and make it more readable. It highlights long sentences, complex words, and other issues that can make your writing difficult to read. Check out Hemingway Editor here:
  4. Canva – Canva is a graphic design tool that offers a variety of templates and design elements that you can use to make your resignation letter more visually appealing. You can add images, charts, and other design elements to make your letter stand out. Check out Canva here:
  5. Adobe Acrobat – Adobe Acrobat is a powerful PDF editing tool that can help you convert your resignation letter to PDF format. This ensures that your letter will look the same on any device and will be easy to print or email. Check out Adobe Acrobat here:

Using these software tools can help you create a professional-looking and effective resignation letter in 2023. Whether you need help with formatting, grammar, or design, there is a tool out there that can help you optimize your letter and make a positive impression on your employer.

Closing thoughts

Writing a resignation letter is an important step in the process of leaving your job. By taking the time to craft a well-written and professional letter, you can ensure that you leave on good terms with your employer and maintain your professional reputation.

We’ve explored the key components of a resignation letter, as well as strategies to optimize your letter for 2023.

Remember, when writing your resignation letter, it’s essential to give the appropriate notice and provide constructive feedback. Utilising software tools such as Microsoft Word, Grammarly, Hemingway Editor, Canva, Google Docs, and Adobe Acrobat can also help you create a polished and effective letter.

By following these tips and putting in the effort, you can leave your job with grace and professionalism. Best of luck in your future endeavours!


Still struggling to write your resignation letter? Check out Scribespace today for free and let us do the work for you!

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