Positioning statements explained


What is a positioning statement?

A positioning statement is a concise statement that defines the target market for a product or service and how it uniquely meets the needs of that market. It is an important tool for marketing because it helps a business clearly communicate the value of its product or service to its target audience.

For example, a positioning statement for a luxury car brand might be: “For affluent consumers who value performance and exclusivity, our brand is the ultimate choice in luxury automobiles.” This positioning statement clearly defines the target market (affluent consumers) and the unique value proposition (performance and exclusivity) of the brand.

Positioning statements are typically used in marketing and advertising materials, such as website copy, social media posts, and print and digital advertisements. They can also be used internally within a company to help define and focus the brand’s marketing efforts.

How can this help my business?

Having a positioning statement can help a business stand out in a crowded market by clearly articulating its unique value proposition. It can also guide the development of marketing materials and messaging, ensuring that all marketing efforts are aligned with the business’s target market and value proposition.

Additionally, a positioning statement can be useful in helping a business make strategic decisions, such as which markets to target and which products or services to offer. It can also serve as a benchmark against which to measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts, allowing a business to determine whether its marketing is effectively communicating its value proposition to its target audience.

Key elements

A positioning statement typically includes the following key elements:

  1. Target market: The positioning statement should specify the specific group of people or businesses that the product or service is intended for.
  2. Unique value proposition: The positioning statement should describe the unique benefit or advantage that the product or service offers to the target market.
  3. Competitor comparison: The positioning statement should differentiate the product or service from its competitors, explaining how it is better or different.
  4. Reason to believe: The positioning statement should provide evidence or a reason for the target market to believe that the product or service can deliver on its unique value proposition.


Check out this video on how to successfully implement positioning statements: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SI0XD9e9Tl8

Example of Positioning Statement

For example, a positioning statement for a new brand of plant-based protein bars might look something like this:

“Our protein bars are specifically designed for health-conscious consumers who are looking for a convenient, plant-based source of protein. Unlike other plant-based protein bars on the market, our bars are made with all-natural ingredients and have a delicious taste that will satisfy even the pickiest eaters. Our bars are also high in protein and low in sugar, making them a healthy and satisfying snack option. Trust us to provide the nutrients you need to power through your day.”

An effective positioning statement should have the following traits:

  1. Clear and concise: Your statement should be brief and to the point, clearly communicating the unique value proposition of the product or service in a way that is easy for the target audience to understand.
  2. Targeted: Your statement should be focused on the specific needs and preferences of the target market, rather than trying to appeal to everyone.
  3. Differentiating: Your statement should clearly differentiate the product or service from its competitors, explaining how it is better or different in a way that is meaningful to the target market.
  4. Believable: Your statement should provide a reason for the target market to believe that the product or service can deliver on its unique value proposition. This may include evidence or examples of how the product or service has helped others.
  5. Memorable: Your statement should be memorable and easy for the target market to recall, helping to establish the product or service in the minds of potential customers.

Closing thoughts

A positioning statement is a crucial aspect of a business’s marketing strategy. It helps to clearly define the target audience and unique value proposition of the brand, enabling a company to differentiate itself from competitors. Crafting an effective positioning statement requires a deep understanding of the market, competitors, and the needs of the target audience. By creating a compelling and memorable positioning statement, businesses can establish a strong brand image and drive growth and success in the long term.


Struggling to write your vision statements? Try Scribespace for free today and let us do the work: https://scribespace.ai/ai-content-templates-scribespace/

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