Sales follow-up emails that get opened

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Perfecting your sales follow-up emails

In today’s competitive business landscape, following up with potential customers is crucial to closing sales and growing your business. However, with so many emails flooding inboxes every day, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to get your follow-up emails opened and read. The key to successful follow-up lies in crafting emails that are personalised, engaging, and most importantly, relevant to the recipient. By avoiding common mistakes, such as sending generic emails, using a harsh tone, or sending too many follow-ups, you can increase the chances of your sales follow-up emails being opened and read.

In this article, we’ll explore the best practices for writing sales follow-up emails that get opened, and provide you with actionable tips to help you craft emails that generate results. Whether you’re a seasoned sales professional or just starting out, these tips will help you increase your chances of success and achieve your sales goals.

Here are the top tips for creating sales emails that get follow-ups

  1. Personalise the email: Address the recipient by name, reference a previous conversation or interaction, and tailor the message to their specific needs and interests.
  2. Keep it short and to the point: Limit your email to a few short paragraphs and get straight to the point. Avoid long-winded explanations and keep the focus on the recipient and their needs.
  3. Use a clear and compelling subject line: The subject line is the first thing the recipient sees, so make it clear, concise, and relevant to the recipient.
  4. Relevance is key: Make sure the email is relevant to the recipient and addresses their specific needs or concerns. Provide value and show that you understand their situation.
  5. Create a sense of urgency: Highlight why now is the right time to take action and provide a clear call-to-action.
  6. Be professional, but not too formal: Use a friendly and conversational tone, while still maintaining a professional demeanour.
  7. Follow up at the right time: Timing is crucial. Don’t follow up too soon or too late. Aim for 2-3 days after the initial conversation or meeting.
  8. Use a clear and actionable call-to-action: Provide a specific, measurable, and achievable action for the recipient to take.
  9. Avoid sending too many follow-ups: Limit your follow-ups to 2-3 at most, and avoid sending generic or copy-pasting the same message multiple times.
  10. Track and measure the results: Use tools such as email tracking software to measure the success of your follow-up emails and make data-driven improvements to your strategy.

Here are some tools that will help you perfect your next sales email

  1. HubSpot Sales: An all-in-one sales and email management tool that helps you personalise and automate your sales follow-up emails. Try HubSpot Sales here:
  2. ToutApp: A sales engagement platform that provides email tracking, email templates, and A/B testing capabilities to help you perfect your sales emails. Try ToutApp here:
  3. Yesware: An email tracking and sales acceleration tool that provides real-time email and attachment tracking, email scheduling, and CRM integration. Try Yesware here:
  4. SalesLoft: A sales engagement platform that provides email tracking, email sequencing, and sales cadence management to help you perfect your sales follow-up emails. Try SalesLoft here:
  5. Mailchimp: An email marketing tool that provides email automation, email templates, and A/B testing capabilities to help you improve the performance of your sales emails. Try Mailchimp here:
  6. Drip: A marketing automation platform that provides email personalisation, lead nurturing, and email automation to help you perfect your sales follow-up emails. Try Drip here:
  7. Outreach: A sales engagement platform that provides email tracking, email templates, and sales cadence management to help you perfect your sales follow-up emails. Try Outreach here:
  8. ActiveCampaign: An all-in-one sales and marketing automation platform that provides email marketing, lead nurturing, and sales automation capabilities to help you improve the performance of your sales emails. Try ActiveCampaign here:
  9. Scribespace: An AI powered writing assistant with over 200+ use cases. From social media ad campaigns and captions, to full-length articles, cover letters and most things in between. Try Scribespace here:

Closing thoughts

Crafting effective sales follow-up emails that get opened and generate positive responses is a crucial part of closing sales and growing your business. By following best practices such as personalising emails, keeping them short and to the point, using clear and compelling subject lines, and providing relevant and valuable information, you can increase the chances of your follow-up emails being opened and read.

Additionally, utilising software tools such as HubSpot Sales, ToutApp, and Yesware can help you perfect your sales emails, track their performance, and make data-driven improvements to your strategy. With these tips and tools, you can take your sales follow-up emails to the next level and achieve your sales goals.

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